Tuesday, 30 April 2013

WEEK 38  - 30 - 04 -13.  

some work done to inside - upstairs and down.

upstairs - progress to plaster and drylining (2-3 guys busy)

outside: more work done to roadside area - set back dug out.

some hardcore (stone base)  to set back area.

foundation dug and block wall in place for front wall. 

also........I  was in pub at weekend and saw these various ceiling finishes - 


timber boards.........

pub is beside Croagh Patrick and was renovated by Martin....

Friday, 26 April 2013

WEEK 37  - 25 - 04-13.  

2 days photos........in one post.

good bit of progress  inside - plaster work to existing walls and fireplace

plastic membrane to inside of timber frame extension.

more work outside.


Patio wall to rear taking shape.

I met ESB guy on site - he talked about moving the pole approx 15 meter to left at a cost of above 2k.
Probably too costly.
As an alternative the tree/ scrub/ bush area that slightly inhibits view of Croagh Patrick could be removed.

see photo of Reek and view..........

At front - 2 existing trees removed!!!!!
one remains and will be kepi.
A crew with climbing gear and chainsaws took 2 days to do so.

The scrub and earth has been stripped back 5 meter from road edge and a strip cut out to allow small foundation necessary for front boundary wall. This is to be stone with recessed mortar joints to give the appearance of a natural stone wall. Stone from site to be reused.

A slight curve will be in place at driveway (around the one remaining tree)  to allow easy access and  vision to road.

This front wall to be approx. 1  meter high - with central gate. As the existing front garden is slightly higher than roadside (see mounded earth in photo) then we need 3 steps to make up height difference - these steps are better on the house side of the gate rather than roadside.

One discussion point
The parking area beside front door is quiet limited - 2 cars may fit - but leave little over - and end up quiet close to the front door........ see photo...... 
Also - to date we have imagined  this parking area would remain open - with a cattle grid. Is this still the case - a a gate would have to be approx 10 meter wide???? so it is tricky.


Thursday, 18 April 2013

WEEK 36  - 19 - 04-13.  

bit more done to landscaping outside - 

foundations to wall patio wall.


3 plasterers on site all day - 

 area around downstairs fireplace plastered..........

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

WEEK 36  - 16 - 04-13.  

 nearly done upstairs

and a lot of plasterwork done downstairs.

insulation in between cavity.................(polystyrene grey balls)

in external walls and in between timbers of timber frame. (see yellow patches)

 some door frames in.......

and finally a bit of landscape work to outside........... (semi circular patio area.)

Saturday, 13 April 2013

WEEK 36  - 12 - 04-13.  

 nearly done upstairs


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

WEEK 36  - 10 - 04-13. 

lot of area upstairs to existing is slabbed - with insulated plasterboard.

(bedrooms complete)

 digger begun working in garden to rear.



Tuesday, 9 April 2013

WEEK 36  - 05 - 04-13. 

see revised programmed from Martin with finish date June 03.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

WEEK 36  - 05 - 04-13. 


bit more plasterboard to walls - a lot more done to ceilings. 

wall built to boiler room area.

 I told you about Martins new schedule and his promise to finish 03 June.

(this is the Bank Holiday weekend) 

I will scan this in and include in next post. 

I have given Martin an updated version of the Landscape plan - he will start some landscaping this week. 

This means that the two trees at front will come down  - I cant see any other way. 

I have asked him to replant the 2 cherry trees as mentioned by Paula a.s.a.p.

I have asked him to get semi mature trees to give a head start.   

Also the set back to the front will be provided - Mayo Co Co Roads are in discussion with 

neighbor regarding his set back. I would hope that Mayo Co Co wil do some remedial works

to existing road outside house - however this will not happen quickly as - to date - contact 

with Mayo Co Co roads has been problematic (1 month to return a phone call).

 2 questions:

I have a question regarding stairs between hallway and living areas - (see photo below.)

Also, should we apply to remove ESB pole (see photo below). It is directly in line with view Croagh Patrick - these moves normally take a long time so best to enquire now

Also it may be costly so may not be a priority.

most rooms now have plasterboard walls and ceilings


new wall to boiler room

?????I was thinking that the finished stairs should move towards centre rather than pushed to the right as shown??????

should we apply to remove ESB pole?????